2015 USA Wado-Ryu Karate Championship

Dear Students and Parents, Our annual karate championship is coming up on Sunday, March 22nd. This is the tournament we host every year so I want everyone to participate. If you have never competed in a tournament, this would be a great opportunity to do so with...

Otsuka Sensei Demonstrating

Here is another short film that is 3:30 with the last minute showing Otsuka Sensei demonstrating and explaining techniques to include a shinkindori series.

Seiza with Hironori Ohtsuka

This is Master Hironori Ohtsuka of Wado Ryu Karate filmed at the hombu dojo in Tokyo. Wado Ryu Karate is one of the few styles that address the issue of Seiza and defending against an attack while sitting.

Huntington Beach New Session Start This Week

Dear Students and Parents, The new session starts this week. Orange, yellow, and blue belts should be signed up for the 5:45-6:30 class, and blue stripe to red belt for 5:45-7:15. For students with red stripe, brown and black belts, classes are 6:30-8:15 on...

New Wado-Ryu Champions Program 2015

Dear Students and Parents, This year I want encourage more students to participate in more tournaments. I believe competition is a fundamental part of your overall karate training that allows you to develop the fighting spirit. Tournaments push you out of your comfort...